I’m so impressed with the college students that are in the sponsorship program here in Manila. On their own initiative along with the sponsorship staff and a core group of former students (who are now working professionals),they began a project of their own to reach out to children 4 – 14 years old in a nearby squatter area. They taught songs, performed skits and fed over 60 children.
Remember, these students are in the population considered the poorest of the poor, yet they see the value in giving to others. They took the time to plan, practice and cook enough food for over 60 children.
One of my biggest struggles when I return to the U.S. is dealing with the “victim” mentality that is so prevalent in our culture. People have no idea how good they have it. All of these students suffer hardship that can’t be compared to anything in the states, yet they look outside of themselves and reach out to others who are even worse off then they are.
What better mentors could these 4-14 year old children have then these outstanding examples. Their character and giving hearts are inspirational to me, I am honored to know them. They are here because someone reached out for them and is sponsoring their education. It really makes a difference. Would you consider being a part of inspiring another student like these? Please join us. The need is great, there are many students without sponsors.
Thank you!