Here are some pictures of the musicians, H4C Directors, and volunteers who made the H4C Benefit Concert a night to remember. We’ll write more soon… Until then ~ huge thanks to all who came and gave to the cause!
Read more ›Here are some pictures of the musicians, H4C Directors, and volunteers who made the H4C Benefit Concert a night to remember. We’ll write more soon… Until then ~ huge thanks to all who came and gave to the cause!
Read more ›In less than one week Hope4Change will be hosting its first benefit concert with the help of our friends in the music world. James, Paul, and I (Sarah) agreed that holding an event that will allow us to share our passion for the poor “eyeball to eyeball” with concert-goers would have great impact. So we’re […]
Read more ›Myca Amaro died on March 1st, 2010 of Dengue Fever in Manila, Philippines. Myca’s life on earth is now gone. She died of Dengue Fever – and it could have been prevented if she had gotten the right medical treatment at the right time. Who can find the words that can that express the pain […]
Read more ›Mama Helen with one of her daughters Rogathe and one of her grandchildren, Shirley. The first time I went to Africa was in 1993; that seems like two lifetimes ago. Since 1993 I have been back to Africa well over twenty times (thank you MSCF!). Most of these times I have stayed in the home of […]
Read more ›Today on my final day here in the Philippines I will spend it as I usually do on my last day and try to say goodbye to everyone. This is always the most difficult part of traveling…..mahirap talaga! Not only am I saying goodbye to friends I’ve had for the last 20 years, but each time I […]
Read more ›Because I have spent so much time here in Balut, Tondo Manila over the last 20 years, these past couple of days I have been trying to pay attention to the different dynamics that come into play on a daily basis. This place is non-stop in activities, emotions, struggles, sorrows and laughter. I am able […]
Read more ›A few days ago we went to the Taytay region of Manila to deliver relief goods to people who suffered during the major flooding from the multiple typhoons that hit the Philippines a few months ago. Believe it or not there are still some areas that are flooded even now. I was asked to be […]
Read more ›This morning before we left to go to the Smokey Mountain dumpsite, I was asked by Leah who is traveling with me if, in the last 20 years since my first visit, anything had changed. I was able to tell her that for the residents of the former Smokey Mountain a lot had changed for them. In […]
Read more ›I’m writing from my room here at the Youth With A Mission staff house in Tondo, Manila. It was quite a trip to get here this time. I arrived early at Newark Airport with my two traveling companions; my niece Kristen Grimsland and her friend from college Leah Hirsch-Cotter. Upon our arrival we noticed our […]
Read more ›On November 10, 2009 my British Airways flight (BA179) brought me to JFK and my final destination after six weeks of travel to the UK/India/Nagaland/Sweden. As the South Asia Director of projects for HOPE FOR CHANGE INTERNATIONAL www.H4Cinternational.org my purpose was to visit and evaluate the development and needs of schools and orphanages. My review of prospective partners and […]
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